#Social engagement#

#Social engagement#

Friday, 6 May 2016

HUE SOOK YAN CEB150043 15/4/2016 Friday Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih: Day Two

         Today is my second day of going to Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih. I am quite nervous today, as I had one month did not meet the students there. When we reach there, we had a meeting with the headmaster of the school just as the first day. 

          Later, I had a aerobics session with them. My friends are stand in front of the students and I stand beside of them to guide them to do aerobic. Some students was so excited when doing aerobic session but some are so shy and just stand at there. I tried to persuade them to follow us. When i was a child, I was the same as them, never ever do aerobic in front of people as I was so worried that people would laugh at my weird actions. Normally, I was just do aerobic at the back of my classmates. 

          After the aerobic session, I had an amazing races with them. I was in charged as a group 2 facilitator. As a group 2 facilitator, I was not playing with them, I was looking at them and trying to guide them how to play this game and the rules of this game. They was so excited when playing the game, just like me. The first station they went to need them to connect one things with another things. The second station need them to fill up the water in the bottle. The third station need them used newspaper to make it a shape and throw it to hit the tin, just like bowling. For the fourth station, One of them had to hold a bucket, one of them had to throw a ball in side the bucket, everyone in my group takes turns. For the fifth station, they have to throw a coin inside a circle in the bucket which is filled up the water. For the sixth station, they had to build a tower using the material provided and the tower was not allowed to fall down in ten seconds if not, the games was considered not completed. For the last station, they have to do three test, one is mathematics, one is science and one is peribahasa. 

            Next, we had a price giving ceremony. Every group can get a price. My group 2 got a pack of snack food. Today I enjoyed and I hope they too. See them next time. 

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