#Social engagement#

#Social engagement#

Sunday, 8 May 2016

CHAN MEI QI     CEB150018

6 May 2016 (Friday) - Last day in SBJK

Today is our last day to visit Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih. Everything is going to the end. We have prepared aerobic session and a semi-formal closing ceremony as the ending mark for our whole series programs.

The aerobic session in the early morning. They are very following our instructions and done a really nice aerobic activity.

We did asked them to draw their dreams on the given colour papers as the decoration  for our very warm closing ceremony. They are so concentrated when they are drawing. The small focus faces just made people feel so move.

After the lunch break, we prepared a small concert for our cute children.

For the last day, we have bought some snacks for each child as a token to appreciate their cooperation along these programs. We have also prepared the cakes to celebrate the birthdays of "Babies of May". I can see that they are really enjoyed it. As we are more familiar with each other, they are willing to share their heart feelings with me. They are becoming more and more confident. The way they communicate with others are improving. I can see that they  are growing up along this period. I just feel so proud of them.

During the closing ceremony, there is a small boy is singing in front of us. All the teachers are feeling so touch because this is the first time for the boy have been so confident of himself. This is so amazing to witness the growth of a child. I knew that our programs might be not so perfect, but I do really hope that they are fully enjoyed the days with us. 

There are some of the children are asking me:"When will you come here again?" This is really touch me and I can't answer their questions at all. But for sure, I am going to miss them in the coming days. Maybe we can't know when will we meet again for right now, but I believe that we can definitely encounter again, maybe it is in a unexpected way in the future.

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