#Social engagement#

#Social engagement#

Sunday, 24 April 2016

CHAN MEI QI    CEB150018

15 April 2016 (Friday)  -  Second trip to Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih

This was the day I'm looking forward too! We can again meet with those cute kids. But there was a bit different for this time, where our groups were doing an explorace for the primary school kids. We have arrived at Sekolah Bimbingan Jalinan Kasih (SBJK). As usual, we have listened to the school principal's briefing about the activities today. 

We did the aerobic session for those students for the purpose of warming up before the explorace get started. They also have been divided into 8 groups for the station games in explorace. Right after the recess time, we straight away started the games and all the students were looked so excited to play their parts in those games.

I have seen the team building skills from the students where they were able to finish all the station games. They were just happy for the explorace activity. I can see that they were really enjoyed in this. And I felt so contented when I saw their cheerful laughter. Actually, what a kid want is very simple, they smile when they are happy, they laugh when they have fun. I love their pure and simple minds. Having fun with them was just so amazing and fantastic. I could say that is they brought the joys to me and made my day totally delighted. 

We used to complaint everything, such as when the Wi-fi system down, when there is a power cut, or even when the food does not meet the appetite. Nowadays, the city young adults like us is more and more forget how to be grateful and appreciate for everything that we are having now. But from the students from SBJK, I have realized that what I can do is to cherish everything that I have when the life does not go on as what I wish. Learn to be thankful is the moral value that we have actually learnt during our primary school, but the people who can really practice it out are less and less as the time passed. Be thankful for the difficult times, because it give me opportunity to learn; be thankful for each new challenge, because it will built my strength and character; be thankful for my mistakes, because they will teach me valuable lessons. 

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