#Social engagement#

#Social engagement#

Sunday, 20 March 2016


20 March 2016 Sunday
             Today our group 1 and group 2 did Dapur Jalanan at Pasar Seni. We took bus and lrt to Bangsar. When we reached the club there, we started to prepare food which was giving to the poor urban. I communicated with the persons in charge of Dapur Jalanan and with my groupmates while preparing the food.
I was preparing the sandwich. ^^
So that, we know each other more. I knew the important of cooperation with each other.

After that, some of the organiser told us more details about this event and the technique of communicating with the poor urban.
After the communication between them, I know more about how to talk to the poor urban without hurting their feelings, and try my best to understand their situations and feelings.

        We took lrt to pasar seni after prepared the food. I am excited as I can practice the technique we have learnt.

            We started to distribute the food to them. The food include, chicken rice, salad, sandwich and drinks. 
              When they took their food from us, they was very happy and they really appreciate it. It was great when people really appreciate my help and my work! 

Lastly,we had a sharing session to shared our opinions and feelings about this event.

Although I was tired today, but is worth it. As I am helping people in need and at the same time I can meet some new friend.